Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > List of names
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There are 14 individuals named CLAY in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth

CLAY, Elisabeth E. * in 1854 in Seneca County (Ohio), + 05.12.1863 in Seneca County (Ohio)
CLAY, Ida J. * in 1861 in Scipio (Ohio), + 21.12.1863 in Scipio (Ohio)

CLAY, Maria * in 1848 in Scipio (Ohio), + 21.08.1889 in Seneca County (Ohio)

CLAY, John Wesley * 05.12.1815 in Centre County (Pennsylvania), + 25.10.1901 in Scipio (Ohio)

CLAY, Amos * 27.11.1842 in Scipio (Ohio), + 27.12.1915 in Venice Township (Ohio)
CLAY, Eli C. * 22.08.1845 in Scipio (Ohio), + 09.05.1919 in Washington Township (Ohio)
CLAY, Mary Ann * 19.07.1851 in Scipio (Ohio), + 22.12.1919 in Clyde (Ohio)

CLAY, Emma F. * 12.12.1852 in Scipio (Ohio), + 12.11.1921 in Amsden (Ohio)
CLAY, Malinda * 24.05.1844 in Scipio (Ohio), + 30.11.1923 in Adams Township (Ohio)

CLAY, Enos Franklin * in 1857 in Seneca County (Ohio), + 02.05.1945 in Seneca County (Ohio)
CLAY, Susan E. * 12.01.1860 in Attica (Ohio), + 02.05.1945 in Attica (Ohio)

CLAY, Newton Ellsworth * 12.04.1883 in Grelton (Ohio), + 10.08.1956 in Paulding (Ohio)

CLAY, Clifford * about 1920 in , + about 1990 in
CLAY, Edythe Irene * 02.10.1918 in Attica (Ohio), + 28.10.1994 in Payne (Ohio)
Last update: 10.07.2002
Ancestors list
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